20200326 连接子查询作业

本贴最后更新于 1617 天前,其中的信息可能已经时移俗易


-- 创建成绩表

   drop table if EXISTS tb_lemon_score;

   create table tb_lemon_score(
sname varchar(20),
course varchar(20),
score tinyint


   INSERT tb_lemon_score VALUES



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23 回帖
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  • zhanghang

    select * from tb_lemon_score t1 where not exist (select * from tb_lemon_score t2 where t1.sname=t2.sname and t2.score <=80)
    可以改成 select * from tb_lemon_score t1 where t1.sname not exist (select * from tb_lemon_score t2 where t2.score <=80) 吗?课堂上发不出去。。

  • 其他回帖
  • ke2beck
    -- 分组查询
    SELECT sname,MIN(score) 最小成绩 FROM tb_lemon_score 
    	GROUP BY sname HAVING MIN(score > 80);
    -- 非关联子查询
    SELECT * FROM tb_lemon_score WHERE sname NOT IN 
    	(SELECT sname FROM tb_lemon_score WHERE score <= 80);
    -- 关联子查询
    SELECT * FROM tb_lemon_score t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS 
    	(SELECT * FROM tb_lemon_score t2 WHERE t1.sname=t2.sname and t2.score<=80);
    -- 非关联子查询
    SELECT sname FROM (SELECT sname,COUNT(merch) FROM shopping_list GROUP BY sname HAVING COUNT(merch)>=2) as list;
    -- 关联子查询
    SELECT DISTINCT sname FROM shopping_list s1 WHERE EXISTS 
    	(SELECT * FROM shopping_list s2 WHERE s2.sname=s1.sname GROUP BY s2.sname HAVING COUNT(s2.merch)>=2)
  • zhongyh

    -- 每门课就要按学生进行分组,每门课都大于80意思就是所有课中最小的分数要大于80
    -- 解决思路:这里需要用到聚合函数min(score),查询出最低分数大于80分的学生即可。使用了聚合函数,条件就需要使用having语句。
    SELECT name from TestScores GROUP BY name having MIN(score)>80;


    -- 子查询的结果作为外部查询的条件
    select DISTINCT name from TestScores where name not in (select name from TestScores where score <= 80);

    -- 子查询的结果作为表
    select * from(SELECT name,MIN(score) 最小成绩 from TestScores GROUP BY name) s where s.最小成绩 > 80;

    SELECT * FROM TestScores t1 where not exists (select * from TestScores t2 where t1.name=t2.nameand score <= 80);

    -- 2、查出所有购入商品为两种或两种以上的购物人记录

    select 购物人 from 购物单 GROUP BY 购物人 HAVING COUNT() >= 2;
    SELECT * from 购物单 where 购物人 in (select 购物人 from 购物单 GROUP BY 购物人 HAVING COUNT(
    ) >= 2);

  • hljmingxi



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