点击顶部的【脚本】菜单,然后再“创建脚本”。选择“Groovy Maven Project”
然后使用svn下载生成的源代码,使用idea工具打开项目,在idea工具中配置maven home path。然后找到Testrunner.groovt文件打开。
// 定义sql连接数据库的对象 public static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://You_MysqlIp:port/erp", "You_user", "You_password", "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver")
// 定义查询语句的执行结果, sqlresult是一个map def sqlresult = sql.rows("select name,pwd from `user` limit 100;")
// 定义两个字符串列表,接收 账号和密码 public static String[] sql_name, sql_pwd // @BeforeProcess 中添加 // 获取map中 name 和 pwd 的值 sql_name = sqlresult.name sql_pwd = sqlresult.pwd
// @Before中 // 移动body, 重新生成body body = "{\"name\":\"${sql_name[0]}\",\"pwd\":\"${sql_pwd[0]}\"}"
// @Test中 grinder.logger.info(result.text)
import groovy.sql.Sql import static net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder import static org.junit.Assert.* import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl import net.grinder.script.GTest import net.grinder.script.Grinder import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.GrinderRunner import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeProcess import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeThread // import static net.grinder.util.GrinderUtils.* // You can use this if you're using nGrinder after 3.2.3 import org.junit.Before import org.junit.BeforeClass import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import java.util.Date import java.util.List import java.util.ArrayList import HTTPClient.Cookie import HTTPClient.CookieModule import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse import HTTPClient.NVPair /** * A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a * single page via HTTP. * * This script is automatically generated by ngrinder. * * @author admin */ @RunWith(GrinderRunner) class TestRunner { public static GTest test public static HTTPRequest request public static NVPair[] headers = [] public static String body // = "{\"name\":\"ngrinder-02\",\"pwd\":\"123456789\"}" public static Cookie[] cookies = [] // 定义sql连接数据库的对象 public static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://You_MysqlIp:port/erp", "You_user", "You_password", "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver") // 定义两个字符串列表,接收 账号和密码 public static String[] sql_name, sql_pwd @BeforeProcess public static void beforeProcess() { // 定义查询语句的执行结果, sqlresult是一个map def sqlresult = sql.rows("select name,pwd from `user` limit 100;") println(sqlresult) // 获取map中 name 和 pwd 的值 sql_name = sqlresult.name sql_pwd = sqlresult.pwd HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults().timeout = 6000 test = new GTest(1, "") request = new HTTPRequest() // Set header datas List<NVPair> headerList = new ArrayList<>() headerList.add(new NVPair("Content-Type", "application/json")) headers = headerList.toArray() grinder.logger.info("before process."); } @BeforeThread public void beforeThread() { test.record(this, "test") grinder.statistics.delayReports=true; grinder.logger.info("before thread."); } @Before public void before() { request.setHeaders(headers) cookies.each { CookieModule.addCookie(it, HTTPPluginControl.getThreadHTTPClientContext()) } // 移动body, 重新生成body body = "{\"name\":\"${sql_name[0]}\",\"pwd\":\"${sql_pwd[0]}\"}" println(body) grinder.logger.info("before. init headers and cookies"); } @Test public void test(){ HTTPResponse result = request.POST("http://Youserver_ip:port/erp/loginIn", body.getBytes()) // 打印结果 grinder.logger.info(result.text) if (result.statusCode == 301 || result.statusCode == 302) { grinder.logger.warn("Warning. The response may not be correct. The response code was {}.", result.statusCode); } else { assertThat(result.statusCode, is(200)); } } }
然后再在idea工具中配置TestRunner的configuration,在本地搜索grinder-dcr-agent-3.9.1.jar,然后把路径 -ea -javaagent:Youself_path\net\sf\grinder\grinder-dcr-agent\3.9.1\grinder-dcr-agent-3.9.1.jar
public static Integer maxrow, runno, usrindex // 在@BeforeProcess中添加 // 数据库实际返回的行数 maxrow = sqlresult.size()
// @Before中添加 // 获取当前运行次数 runno = grinder.runNumber // 判断 运行时应该取第几行值 if (runno < maxrow) { usrindex = runno }else { usrindex = runno % maxrow }
import groovy.sql.Sql import static net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder import static org.junit.Assert.* import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPPluginControl import net.grinder.script.GTest import net.grinder.script.Grinder import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.GrinderRunner import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeProcess import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeThread // import static net.grinder.util.GrinderUtils.* // You can use this if you're using nGrinder after 3.2.3 import org.junit.Before import org.junit.BeforeClass import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import java.util.Date import java.util.List import java.util.ArrayList import HTTPClient.Cookie import HTTPClient.CookieModule import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse import HTTPClient.NVPair /** * A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a * single page via HTTP. * * This script is automatically generated by ngrinder. * * @author admin */ @RunWith(GrinderRunner) class TestRunner { public static GTest test public static HTTPRequest request public static NVPair[] headers = [] public static String body // = "{\"name\":\"ngrinder-02\",\"pwd\":\"123456789\"}" public static Cookie[] cookies = [] // 定义sql连接数据库的对象 // public static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://You_MysqlIp:port/erp", // "You_user", // "You_password", // "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver") public static Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://", "root", "future@123", "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver") // 定义两个字符串列表,接收 账号和密码 public static String[] sql_name, sql_pwd public static Integer maxrow, runno, usrindex @BeforeProcess public static void beforeProcess() { // 定义查询语句的执行结果, sqlresult是一个map def sqlresult = sql.rows("select name,pwd from `user` limit 100;") // 数据库实际返回的行数 maxrow = sqlresult.size() // 获取map中 name 和 pwd 的值 sql_name = sqlresult.name sql_pwd = sqlresult.pwd HTTPPluginControl.getConnectionDefaults().timeout = 6000 test = new GTest(1, "") request = new HTTPRequest() // Set header datas List<NVPair> headerList = new ArrayList<>() headerList.add(new NVPair("Content-Type", "application/json")) headers = headerList.toArray() grinder.logger.info("before process."); } @BeforeThread public void beforeThread() { test.record(this, "test") grinder.statistics.delayReports=true; grinder.logger.info("before thread."); } @Before public void before() { request.setHeaders(headers) cookies.each { CookieModule.addCookie(it, HTTPPluginControl.getThreadHTTPClientContext()) } // 获取当前运行次数 runno = grinder.runNumber // 判断 运行时应该取第几行值 if (runno < maxrow) { usrindex = runno }else { usrindex = runno % maxrow } // 移动body, 重新生成body grinder.logger.info("=====The runno is {}", runno) grinder.logger.info("===---====The userindex is {}", usrindex) body = "{\"name\":\"${sql_name[usrindex]}\",\"pwd\":\"${sql_pwd[usrindex]}\"}" println(body) grinder.logger.info("before. init headers and cookies"); } @Test public void test(){ HTTPResponse result = request.POST("", body.getBytes()) // 打印结果 grinder.logger.info(result.text) if (result.statusCode == 301 || result.statusCode == 302) { grinder.logger.warn("Warning. The response may not be correct. The response code was {}.", result.statusCode); } else { assertThat(result.statusCode, is(200)); } } }
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